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Prova objetiva realizada no dia 04/12/2001
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who insist on taking a "coffee break," eating
"fast food" and spending their time at the "shopping
looking for "sales" could soon find themselves on the
side of the law. A bill passed by the lower house of Congress
and awaiting debate later this year by the Senate would make
illegal the use of many English-language terms common here.
The proposal was drafted by federal
deputy Aldo
Rebelo, one of the driving forces behind a movement to
preserve what he says is "the right of the Brazilian citizen
communicate in his own language." Rebelo said the
movement's main goal is to stop the proliferation of unnecessary
foreign words that are damaging to the Brazilian cultural
heritage. "Why should a person feel stupid or ignorant because
he cannot pronounce an English word?" he asked.
To guardians of Portuguese, like
Rebelo, the flood of
foreign words in common usage is an invasion. The movement,
called "verbal nationalism," is part of an international
to counter the spread of English. Globalization and the
Internet have accelerated the proliferation of English in Brazil,
which has the largest computer and Internet industry in Latin
America. English words such as "mouse", "site",
"home page"
and "e-mail" are frequently encountered.
If the proposed legislation passes,
Brazilians and
foreigners who have lived in the country for more than a year
would be expected to use Portuguese exclusively in the
workplace, in school and in all communication for official and
public purposes. Excluded from these requirements would be
artistic, intellectual and scientific expression; foreign words
already in official Portuguese dictionaries; and the
communication of Brazil's indigenous groups. Many linguists
and legal experts say the proposal is unenforceable.
Many Brazilians initially thought
the measure was a
joke. That was until the lower house of Congress passed it on
March 29. "I don't think any law will erase English words
our vocabulary," said a salesman at a Rio computer store.
"English is already incorporated into our lives, especially
computers," he said. […]
Some linguists, however, point out
that the increasing
use of English in Brazil is part of a cultural shift in Latin
America's most populous nation. While French at one time
was the foreign language most favored by educated Brazilians,
nowadays many younger citizens are required in school to
learn English as a second language and are seen chatting in
English at the mall, exercising their bilingual skills.
But Rebelo's supporters have had
some success. They
pressured two government banks recently into dropping
programs called "Home Banking" and "Net Banking"
replacing them with Portuguese descriptions.
"This makes no sense,"
said Carlos Tannus, dean of
the Center of Letters and Arts at the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro. "I don't think we can regulate the use of language
by law," he said. Like many experts, Tannus concedes that
words come into and go out of fashion much like the latest
dance trends or clothing fashions.
"In a globalized world, it
is perfectly normal for words
from one language to migrate to another," said Tarcisio
Padilha, President of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. "Many
of these words will disappear as quickly as they were born. We
have no reason to defend ourselves."
By Patrice
M. Jones. Chicago Tribune, July 15, 2001
The passage is primarily concerned with:
(A) encouraging the use of Portuguese in official communications.
(B) expressing the author's opinion on a legal matter.
(C) criticizing a law approved by the Brazilian Senate.
(D) resolving the conflict between legislators and linguists.
(E) presenting opposing points of view on the same issue.
presenting opposing points of view on the same issue.
Para acertar, o candidato deverá ser capaz de
identificar a idéia central do texto, que é a de apresentar
pontos de vista opostos sobre a mesma questão: a proliferação
de termos estrangeiros, principalmente da língua inglesa (como
a leitura do texto pode comprovar), no português falado no Brasil.
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10
deputy Aldo Rebelo is:
(A) a politician concerned with the correct pronunciation of words.
(B) a strong supporter of globalization and the Internet.
(C) a major leader of the "verbal nationalism" movement.
(D) a defender of the increasing use of English words in Brazil.
(E) the only linguist who fears the invasion of foreign words.
a major leader of the "verbal nationalism" movement.
Para acertar, o candidato deverá buscar, no texto, dados sobre
o deputado federal Aldo Rebelo. A informação solicitada
está nas linhas 7-10: "The proposal was drafted by federal
deputy Aldo Rebelo, one of the driving forces behind a movement to
preserve what he says is "the right of the Brazilian citizen to communicate
in his own language." A resposta certa é uma paráfrase
da passagem apontada e descreve o deputado como um dos principais líderes
do movimento em prol do nacionalismo "verbal". No terceiro parágrafo
(l.15-18), a afirmação é confirmada.
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10
and his supporters feel that the increasing use of English words by Brazilians
(A) harmful and invasive.
(B) unusual and illegal.
(C) normal and justifiable.
(D) wrong and unenforceable.
(E) temporary and inoffensive.
harmful and invasive.
O acerto da questão depende da compreensão, por parte do
candidato, do ponto de vista do deputado Rebelo e daqueles que o apóiam
em relação ao emprego crescente de palavras em inglês
por falantes brasileiros. Tal percepção pode ser obtida
a partir da leitura atenta dos três primeiros parágrafos
do texto, mas principalmente das linhas 10-13,: "Rebelo said the
movement's main goal is to stop the proliferation of unnecessary foreign
words that are damaging to the Brazilian cultural heritage."
e linhas 15-16: "To guardians of Portuguese, like Rebelo, the flood
of foreign words in common usage is an invasion." Desses dois fragmentos,
destacamos o adjetivo "damaging", usando o sinônimo "harmful",
e o substantivo "invasion", que foi transformado, por uma questão
de paralelismo, em adjetivo. As demais opções propõem
maneiras de encarar a questão que não encontram respaldo
no texto.
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10
the only INCORRECT statement.
(A) The word "here" (line 6) refers to Brazil.
(B) The language mentioned in line 10 ("his own language") is
(C) In line 24, the "country" mentioned is Brazil.
(D) In line 35, "our vocabulary" refers to Portuguese vocabulary.
(E) By "Latin America's most populous nation" (lines 39-40)
the author means Brazil.
The language mentioned in line 10 ("his own language") is English.
Trata-se de uma questão de referência, que trabalha com exófora,
ou seja, com formas como "esse", "ali", "agora",
"aqui", as quais são decodificadas à medida que
se sabe quem é o falante, onde se situa espacialmente e quando
proferiu o enunciado. Para acertar, portanto, o candidato deverá
ser capaz de identificar a única afirmação que não
é correta no que diz respeito à relação de
referência estabelecida entre dois elementos. A afirmação
incorreta é a de que o idioma referido em "his own language"
(linha 10) é o inglês, já que a língua em questão
é o português, como a leitura do fragmento "the right
of the Brazilian citizen to communicate in his own language."
deixa perceber. A língua do cidadão brasileiro é,
naturalmente, o português. As demais afirmações estabelecem
corretamente a relação de referência, devendo ser
descartadas como gabarito, já que este exige uma afirmação
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10
sentence "While French at one time was the foreign language ... exercising
their bilingual skills." (lines 40-44) expresses an idea of:
(A) addition.
(B) result.
(C) definition.
(D) conclusion.
(E) contrast.
Para acertar esta questão que trata de coesão textual, o
candidato deverá identificar a relação de contraste
estabelecida pela afirmação introduzida pela conjunção
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10
the word pairs below are synonymous, EXCEPT one. Mark
(A) Trends (line 54) - tendencies.
(B) Stupid (line 13) - foolish.
(C) Experts (line 52) - specialists.
(D) Concedes (line 52) - accepts.
(E) Chatting (line 43) - shouting.
Chatting (line 43) - shouting.
O acerto depende do conhecimento do candidato a respeito da equivalência
entre cada par de vocábulos. O único par que não
apresenta relação de sinonímia é "chatting
- shouting", pois o verbo "chat", segundo os dicionários
bilíngües, significa "conversar" ("talk",
"gossip", "natter", etc.) e não "gritar"
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10
Where in the passage does the author mention an argument against the proliferation
of English words in Brazil?
(A) Lines 55-56.
(B) Lines 21-22.
(C) Lines 36-37.
(D) Lines 49-52.
(E) Lines 15-16.
Lines 15-16.
Para acertar, o candidato deverá perceber que, dentre as opções
apresentadas, somente aquela contida na letra (E) remete a um argumento
contra a proliferação de palavras estrangeiras no português
do Brasil - "To guardians of Portuguese, like Rebelo, the flood of
foreign words in common usage is an invasion" (linhas 15 a 16) .
Questões: 1 | 2
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| 8 | 9 | 10
Padilha affirms that "we have no reason to defend ourselves"
(lines 58-59) because:
(A) the English language will disappear if the proposed legislation passes.
(B) the migration of words is a common phenomenon in the new world economy.
(C) Brazilian politicians aren't capable of fighting the invasion of foreign
(D) there are many ways of preventing the proliferation of the English
(E) new words in Portuguese shall be created by the Brazilian Academy
of Letters.
the migration of words is a common phenomenon in the new world economy.
O acerto depende da percepção de que a única opção
em linha com a afirmação de Tarcísio Padilha é
aquela indicada no gabarito. Padilha afirma que não há razão
para nos defendermos pois, em um mundo globalizado, a migração
de palavras de uma língua para outra é perfeitamente normal
- "In a globalized world, it is perfectly normal for words from one
language to migrate to another" (linhas 55-56).
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10

Calvin seems to be very angry because:
(A) he didn't expect his jacket to be in the closet.
(B) he thought his favorite jacket had been stolen.
(C) somebody threw his jacket away on purpose.
(D) his room ought to be cleaner and tidier.
(E) no one helped him put on his clothes.
he didn't expect his jacket to be in the closet.
Para acertar esta questão de compreensão, o candidato deverá
ser capaz de perceber que a razão do visível aborrecimento
do personagem Calvin é o fato de que, após ter vasculhado
toda a casa em busca da jaqueta, ele foi encontrá-la dentro do
"closet" (armário), ironicamente o último local
onde esperava que ela estivesse.
Questões: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9 | 10
the sentence which must be completed with "anywhere".
(A) The manager had to go off _____ else for an appointment.
(B) The dangerous dog was approaching but there was _____ to hide.
(C) Britney says she didn´t go _____ yesterday.
(D) This is part of the original castle build _____ around 1700.
(E) Have you seen my glasses? I've looked _____ for them.
Britney says she didn´t go _____ yesterday.
O acerto depende de um conhecimento de gramática em contexto, mais
especificamente, do emprego dos advérbios "everywhere"
e "anywhere", que aparecem no Texto 2, além de "nowhere"
e "somewhere". Tais advérbios encontram-se em distribuição
complementar e dependem do contexto, sendo, dificilmente, intercambiáveis.
O item "anywhere", testado na questão, só pode
ser utilizado em frases interrogativas ou negativas (como é o caso
da opção assinalada). As demais opções devem
ser descartadas por não apresentarem o contexto apropriado.
Questões: 1 | 2
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